You must have read about Chanan Development Association's (CDA) work on the blog.
Well, they are back with a bang this time.
What have they been upto? Read more to find out...
Chanan Development Association (CDA) celebrated the "International Peace Days" from 20th to 25th September 2010. The celebrations were organized in collaboration with the Youth Parliament of Pakistan (YPP) and the British Council, Lahore, Pakistan. More than 100 youth from different areas of Lahore participated in the "Peace Days" activities which included things like "4th Annual Cricket for Peace, Peace Seminar, Peace Walk and Media Consultation for Peace".
Highlights of the 4th Annual Cricket Match on Peace Day:
The 4th Annual Cricket Match was titled "LET’S BRING PEACE TOGETHER" and aimed to "Build a Peaceful Society by the Youth". Nearly 100 youth from across Lahore and civil society organizations participated in this activity. The British Council and YPP donated their T-Shirts for the teams. At the inaugurating ceremony of the tournament, the youth members lit "Peace Candles" and promised they will promote peace.
The main objective of the cricket match was to bring awareness amongst the youth about the International Peace Day, peace situation in Pakistan and how can the youth promote peace.
Mr. Alyas Rahmat (Managing Director-CDA) presented the welcome note, briefing about the organization, partners, participated teams, project objectives and its activities, while Mr. Saad Bajwa from the British Council encouraged the youth and CDA for such an initiative.

Highlights of Peace Seminar with Women:
A theater seminar on "Peace" was organized on 25th September 2010. Nearly 150 women participated in this theater seminar. The seminar was held in Pak Methodist Church in Nishat Colony, Lahore. Bishop I. Paul. was the chief guest of the program. The community groups coordinators talked about the importance of peace and did activities that showed the females how can they bring peace in their homes and communities.
Bishop I. Paul, too, delivered a message on "Peace." At the end of the seminar, women also celebrate the International Peace Day 2010 and lightened Peace Candles.